During Misinfo Conference we used Mockingbird to create wireframes of the Lesson 1, Legit-o-Meter activity.
Here is a link to the mockingbird project.
Here is a link to the PDF export
◻️ Sign up/Login
◻️ Account Settings
- edit email
- edit username (edit url path)
✅ Teacher - Dashboard
- This is the landing page once authed. Teachers manage their “Games” and start new “Games”
- A “Game” instance is created once the teacher clicks “Start a new game”. The Game instance is assigned to the Teacher’s User
- A teacher can click on the name of an exisiting game. This takes them to a Game Summary page which is similar to a “Start Your Game Page”. From there you can edit the name or unpublish.
✅ Teacher - Choose a Theme
- Teacher can select from pre-populated Themes for their Game, or create their own new Theme
- Edit themes a teacher has already created
- Selecting a theme associated a Theme ID to the Game instance
- Post-MVP idea: Allow teachers to modify pre-populated themes, creating a copy instance.
- Post-MVP idea: See & Copy other teachers collections
✅ Teacher - Create a Theme/Collection
- Teacher is required to name a Theme
- Collection might be a better word than Theme for this object
- Add collections of articles. They input a URL. Our system dectects a headline from the HTML meta data. Headline does not need to be editable.
- Teacher selects Article Type from select/dropdown
- [ ] List of Article Type Options
- [ ] Definitions for both Teachers and students of article types
- Teacher can delete a theme
- As a teacher adds articles, the form auto-saves.
- Post-MVP idea: Include a guide for how to create a Theme. Suggest teachers to things like include articles from various sources. Give them recommendations on where to find misinformative articles.
✅ Teacher - Start a Game
- Review step, see all the articles
- Choose to publish, which creates a public URL for the teacher to share with students. Public URL looks like “domain.com/teacher_username/game_id”
- The Game instance is given a name attribute.
- The only thing editable on this page is the Game Name.
- Question: Is there a default name?
- Post MVP question: Should teachers be able to select which articles within a Theme/Collection they want to use within a given game
✅ Teacher - Review Student Ratings
- A teacher can review students’ article evaluations. Students appear in a list.
- On this page a teacher can:
- rename the the Game
- change the publish state of the Game back to draft mode, disabiling the public URL
◻️ Teacher - Review Specific Student Evaluation
- A teacher sees read only version of the student evaluation page.
✅ Student - Evaluate an Article
- Form with all the questions a student can respond to. Broken into two main sections
- Reflect on the crediblity of the article
- Rate the credibility of this article
- [ ] Update language from Sarah’s worksheet draft
- [ ] Evaluate usability of layout and iterate, maybe a more high-fi mockup is needed
- Question: Should we provide students real time feedback on how their rating is being calculated so that they aren’t suprised when a numerical rating appears on the next page?
✅ Student - Success
- a student sees their article rating
- a student sees the average rating that others gave the article. This might require a minimum number of ratings on an article before it appears.
General UX Questions:
- Do we need better navigational options
- How can a student revisit their work if we don’t create user accounts?
- Do teachers need the option for a drafted state. Would students need to do this outside of classtime?
Legal question:
- Can a public domain reference a student’s first name, last initial?