
A web literacy project funded by Mozilla Foundation

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Project Purpose

Help educators and teens evaluate online news for credibility and trust to strengthen their communities’ resilience to Fake News.

A grant from Mozilla supports the development of three interactive web literacy lessons and web apps to facilitate learning.


Our Work

Our team has created curriculum for three units and has developed a web app version of Legit-o-Meter.

We participated in Misinfo Con hosted at the MIT Media Lab. Here are a couple blog posts from Michael & Sarah about our take-aways.

Sarah also participated in a webinar hosted by EducatorInnovator.org with other media literacy and education advocates on “Media Literacy Tools to Comprehend & Critique Fake News”

One of our technical contributors, Rally Jinx, demo’d an early prototype of our Legit-o-Meter Learning App.


The Lessons

These lessons empower students with valuable news literacy skills that they can use to recognize, evaluate, and combat fake news and misinformation.

Lesson #1: Legit-o-Meter

The goal of Lesson 1 is to give students the tools to examine a web article’s credibility. The Mission:FakeNews team will develop a web app version of the Kraken the Code Web Literacy Exercise.

Lesson #2: Rewriting History

The goal of Lesson 2 is to help students better understand how fake new is produced and how it is spread. Students will have the opportunity to deconstruct fake news and to explore the techniques people use to create fake news, and the consequences of those techniques.

Lesson #3: Run the Presses

The goal of the Lesson 3 is to put students in the editor’s chair and give them a chance to make decisions common in news organizations, and to experience the consequences of those decisions. With this lesson, students will gain a deeper understanding of how fake news fits in a broader news and information ecosystem.
